How to connect a Java app with an SQL database?

Connect a Java application using JDBC


3 min read

On this post, I will show you how to connect a Maven project with MySQL, I will be using the following:

  • Java 18.0.2
  • Maven 3.8.6
  • MySQL 8.0.31

1. Create the database and add some records

First, we will execute the code below to create the database "dbexample" with a table named "person".

USE dbexample;
    name VARCHAR(100)

Once the table is created we will INSERT a couple of records on it.

INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ('Edgar');
INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ('Eduardo');

If we did everything right, we will get something like this after running a SELECT instruction.

SELECT * FROM person;

SELECT result

2. Setup the Maven project

We will use Maven to manage our dependencies.

You can google how to create a Maven project with your IDE. As a reference, in Eclipse you can create one going to "File > New > Maven Project".

We need to add the following dependencies to our pom.xml file.


NOTE: Remember to update your project everytime that you change your project dependencies. You can do it running the command mvn install.

3. Connect our Java application with MySQL

We will use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to achieve this.

We need to define our connection url with the following structure:

  • RDBMS: The database system that you're using, i.e. mysql, sqlserver.
  • PORT_NUMBER: The port configured by your database system, by default MySQL uses the port 3306
  • DB_NAME: The database name that you defined on step 1.
  • TIMEZONE: The server timezone.

Mine looks like this:

String connectionUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbexample?serverTimezone=UTC";

Next, we will create a Connection object using our connection url, user and password:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, "root", "root");

At this point, the connection should be established and now we can execute a query.

PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM person");
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();

Lastly, we show the results in the console.

while ( {
    long id = results.getLong("id");
    String name = results.getString("name");
    System.out.println("id: " + id  + " name: " + "'" + name + "'");

Since the connections to databases are prone to throw exceptions we need to wrap these instructions in a try...catch block. The final code looks like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String connectionUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbexample?serverTimezone=UTC";

    try (
        //Create the connection object
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, "root", "root");

        //Execute a SELECT instruction
        PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM person");
        ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); ) {

        //Show the results
        while ( {
            long id = results.getLong("id");
            String name = results.getString("name");
            System.out.println("id: " + id  + " name: " + "'" + name + "'");

    catch (Exception e) {

4. Results

Now, if we run our application, we should get the 2 records that we inserted in our table.

final results

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๐Ÿ”— References

List of resources that I consulted and that may be helpful to go deeper on this topic.

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